STRAVA Summary

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Week So Far

I got out for a good run on Monday. Went to the Chiropractor after work and once I got home I got ready and went out. First attempt at running with my camelback, not an issue. Although something with pockets on the front would be better. Anyway after I started running through the trails off Ardagh, I realized with the diminishing light that I hadn't brought a light with me, which wasn't a problem at this point as it was still light enough. Running along Mapleview I was getting a little apprehensive about trying to run the trails behind Home Depot etc. with out a light. As it turned out it wasn't that difficult. The run behind the VR was a little harder, following the shadows at the edge of the trail. This is where you really get to notice light pollution. When I emerged from the bush, actually long before, I was almost blinded by the amount of light.
Finished 19.5k and felt good.

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